All premium home inspections include a 90-day home warranty & the SewerGard, MoldSafe and 5-year Platinum Roof Protection Plans free of charge!

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recommends that all people purchasing a home have it tested for mold by a qualified professional. Inhaled mold spores are known to cause potential health issues in some people, which are usually similar to allergy symptoms. In addition, some molds produce potentially toxic substances called mycotoxins. People with respiratory diseases like asthma or COPD, allergies or compromised immune symptoms are generally most prone to mold related health problems. If a significant mold problem is present, it means water/moisture is also a problem, which can lead to major structural damage. Even if a mold problem is not noticeable, you could be breathing in mold spores that are potentially harmful. For the safety of your family and home, having a professional mold inspection done is a wise investment.
At HPI, we offer two mold inspection options: complete and limited. With a complete mold inspection, we analyze all visible and accessible areas of the home to identify any visible mold as well as any conditions conducive to mold growth. This includes a thorough visual examination, use of a moisture meter, testing humidity levels, and other important practices. With a limited mold inspection, we analyze specified areas only, which are usually what lead the client to call us in the first place.
Complete and limited inspections both require a minimum of 3 air samples – two indoor air samples to determine what spores occupants are likely actually inhaling, and one outdoor control sample that is used as a comparison for indoor levels. In a healthy home, the types and amounts of mold in the indoor air are similar to those outdoors. There is no charge for the outdoor control sample, despite the fact that we have to pay the lab to have it analyzed. Each air sample is sufficient for measuring approximately 800 square feet, so larger homes may require additional samples. If visible mold is present, surface samples may also be taken, and the client must approve of additional samples being sent to the lab for testing and being billed for them.
Upon completion of the mold inspection and consultation with the client, all samples are sent to a certified laboratory, InspectorLab, for detailed analysis. We provide you with a report of the lab’s findings and review the results with you to ensure you have a clear understanding of the types and levels of mold in your home and whether the results may warrant remediation. If you do decide to hire a separate company for remediation, a post-remediation inspection should be done to verify that the remediation was successful, which follows the exact same procedures and pricing outlined here. However, the post-remediation inspection is typically limited since it involves the area worked on only and is, therefore, often less expensive. The cost of testing for mold and having mold remediated can be quite high, depending on the severity of the mold problem, but we are here to help you along the way! For more information on mold, mold inspections and mold remediation, please click here.


*Both types of mold inspections require a minimum of 2 indoor air samples. For more information on our mold inspections, visit the FAQ page.

Limited Mold Inspection: $200 + $75 per sample (minimum price: $350)
Complete Mold Inspection: $350 + $75 per sample (minimum price: $500)

Add a Mold Inspection to a Home or Commercial Inspection for

$275 – that's a $75 discount!


Click the blue inspection titles for important information about the reasons for having them done, how often you should have them done, maintenance recommendations, and more.

Pest/Termite (WDO) Inspection: $175 ($125 with home inspection)
Septic Dye Test: $200 ($150 with home inspection)
Radon Gas Test: $225 ($175 with home inspection)
Well Flow Test: $175 ($125 with home inspection)
Water Analysis (Lab Tested): $275 ($225 with home inspection)

Mold Testing: $350+ (only $275 with home inspection)

11th Month Warranty Inspection (for new homes): $300
Annual Home Maintenance Checkup: $225
Re-Inspection of Repaired Defects: $100
INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS/SYSTEMS (Roof, Structure, Deck, etc): $175